『DIY 手作り 3D ペーパー モデル クリスマスの装飾/小動物シリーズ - クリスマス シロクマ Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-93bcc6ce58から出品され、298の入札を集めて04月22日 18時 43分に、2,565円で落札されました。即決価格は2,565円でした。決済方法はに対応。島根県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Small animal Features: has a variety of styles, the size is not too big (the longest side does not exceed 30 cm) is suitable for placing on the table and playing with it is relatively easy to play with, and people with clumsy hands can almost get Festive Series Features: Different festivals have different gifts Present the warmest heart Hope every gift can reach your heart -- Paper products are shipped 24H on weekdays / Christmas Polar Bear Difficulty ★★★☆☆ Completion size: about 27.4x19.7x18.7cm Number of sheets: 6 --------- Christmas home non Polar bears are the ones Sitting in a daze Usually only with the white snow At last Christmas, there are bright red scarves and Christmas hats to wear Dress up carefully and turn yourself into a gift I hope you can He was sent out before Christmas Eve The polar bear also wants to meet the world This Christmas, you can fulfill his wish! ─ Features─ Simple block LOWPOLY All original designs, all which are exclusive shapes Made in Illustration ─ Paper Features ─ No fluorescent agent added, so that children can feel more at ease in the process of handcrafting White kraft paper: white kraft cardboard, not pure white and thicker, can be directly loaded after completion Color beautification ▲This item is not available in color
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298 入札履歴