『【コヤマ】KF13-SS 21インチ ウクレレ スプルース単板 ソリッドスプルース ソプラノウクレレ Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、206の入札を集めて04月23日 02時 52分に、12,137円で落札されました。即決価格は12,137円でした。決済方法はに対応。和歌山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Classic carving series Blooming in 5 to 10 months of flowers, is the Ukrainian Lioni Hawaii state flower, flowering time is also just with Taiwan's long summer overlap. For us, the summer flower should be non-hibiscus! In order to be able to stay in the summer flowers, KF13-CM use carving method, the six in full bloom in the panel, riding mahogany vitality, fingertips, summer memories forever fresh. barrel body not trim, you can clearly panel is a veneer, the piano is not only beautiful, piano is also very elegant, whether it is with a fingertip (picking) or brush string (strumming) playing , The sound of the performance is great Quality Keeping Uclilvy is made of almost all wood. Wooden instruments are most afraid of temperature and humidity changes and deformation, especially the piano handle part. Finger board selection texture clear and delicate rosewood, neck after 6 months of natural dry, KOYAMA production plant at any time more than 40,000 piano handle in the natural dry, so that the production of Ukrainian Lili is not subject to external Environmental impact and deformation. For quality, we have invested a considerable amount of time and the cost of preparation. In addition to the of the wood material, which will affect the Ukrainian Li sound quality accessories, put the string line, string button, upper and lower string pillow ... are in the mountain teacher's request, the use of higher cost material. Item ID Model: KF13-SS Body Style Size: 21 "Soprano Top Panel: Spruce Veneer Solid Spruce Back / Sides Side Back: Mahogany Fingerboard Fingerboard Rosewood Bridge : Paint : PPS ※ Piano has been tuned before it has been checked, but because it is a new string. , Need to tune for a while will gradually stabilize down. ※ One year warranty (string, not covered in the warranty)
小山] [21インチピンクハイビスカスWukeliliフローラソプラノウクレレ/ピンク Ω
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[21インチ]小山ハイビスカスWukeliliブラックフローラソプラノウクレレ/黒 Ω
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206 入札履歴