『【コヤマ】KF13T-MAH 26インチ ウクレレ マホガニー単板 ソリッドマホガニー テナーウクレレ Ω』はセカイモンでkJ-e6ccf21db3から出品され、149の入札を集めて04月22日 18時 27分に、13,402円で落札されました。即決価格は13,402円でした。決済方法はに対応。鹿児島県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Classic Hibiscus Flower Carving Series The hibiscus flower, which blooms from May to October, is the state flower of Hawaii, the capital of Ukulele. Its flowering time coincides with the long summer of Taiwan. For us, the summer flower should be hibiscus! In order to keep the summer flowers, KF13-CM uses the carving method to leave six blooming hibiscus on the panel, riding on the vitality of mahogany, and the memories of summer will always be kept fresh at the fingertips. barrel body is deliberately not bordered, so it can be clearly recognized that the panel is a veneer. This piano is not only beautiful, but also has a very elegant sound, whether it is played with fingerstyle (picking) or strumming. , The sound performance is great. Quality persistence Ukulele is almost made of wood. Wooden musical instruments are most afraid of deformation due to changes in temperature and humidity, especially the handle part. The fingerboard is made of clear and delicate rosewood. The neck has been naturally dried for 6 months. At any time, there are more than 40,000 piano handles in the production plant of KOYAMA, so that the ukulele produced will not be affected by the outside. Distorted due to environmental impact. For quality, we invest a considerable amount of time and material preparation costs. Item ID Type: KF13T-MAH Body Style Size: 26 inch Tenor Top panel: mahogany veneer Mahogany Solid the Back / Sides is side Back: mahogany Mahogany fingerboard means: Rosewood Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Rosewood Fret Frame: 18 String String: Aquila Scale String length: 430mm Nut String pillow: Plastic steel material PPS ※The piano has been tuned and checked before it is shipped, but it is new Strings need to be tuned for a while to gradually stabilize. ※One year warranty (strings, accessories and other consumables are not included in the warranty)
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149 入札履歴